Sunday 1 January 2012


Me, Dom and Jason have just started drawing up our story boards. Our story boards have taken about 4 hours to complete the whole storyboard and put in all the information necissary to begin to create our film title sequence.

We had to create a plan about what our film would be about, going into a lot of detail so we can think of an accurate and exciting opening sequence to draw in the audience and get them intrigued for the film. After we done this, we brainstormed ideas and after an hour of lots of ideas, we selected the best one.

We then decided on what typography to use. We reasearched many fonts in different comical films and we found out the most common is white and curvey writing. Two films that we aspire to and can relate to 'Step Brothers' and 'Happy Gilmore' and both of these use white and wavey typography.

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