Monday, 9 January 2012

Photo Animatic - WIP

In our last lesson - we was given the task to create a photo animatic. This is when you show your screen shots for aslong that shot goes on for and it gets played along with the music for your title sequence. The reason you do this is so that you can run it together and you can see whether the music suites the storyline and it is also helps others in the class understand your title production better and you get to understand it more because there is a visual.

By running them alongside you can see how long it is going to take, does the stroryboard work, is there enough detail in your storyboards, are more storyboards needed so its easier to understand and is it a good idea.

Me, Jason and Dom have decided to use actual pictures for our animatic and have set it out in a similar place/set to were we will film will be made. None of us in our group are good at drawing, so the best idea is to make a mini film set and make a perfect visual than just stick men. By doing this, I will think the audience who we are showing to will have a wider understanding and it will give us a better idea of whether it will be feasible or not, and we will know earlier on than the other groups if we need to make alterations and whether certain camera angles will be too hard to do. After we have done this, us as a group will know if it will go to plan and if we need to change it to make it better.

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