Monday 2 January 2012

Morals Of A Film

Films always put morals in a film because it makes the film more interesting. You may not think that all films do and they are just for entertainment, but in ALL films, you will find something that can help you out in life. The reason of a moral is to help you out in life. It is to teach you right from wrong and how to handle various situations in life, whether it be what to do when your in trouble, or how to be romantic.

There is always a film that you could relate to at sertain points in your own life, even if you dont know it, there will be a film including your situation. Films are almost like a social pleaser. They always put the people in worse of situations that what most people are going through, so that you can then have a feel good factor about yourself and you know that 'your life isn't as bad as theirs'. Once you know this, they will show you how you can handle your situation.

Our moral of our story is 'No matter how much people around you are trying to put you down, and things may not be going your way,you can still accomplish anything you want in life if you put the effort in because at the end of the day, only you know whether you have put 100% into what you do, and it will pay off in the long run'

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