Monday 2 January 2012

Similar Film To Ours: Happy Gilmore

Our group find happy gilmore absolutely hilarious. We all agree that it is one of the funniest films around and it will be one to show your kids when your older. The reason this is similar, is because the message in the story is similar.

Its about man who is achieving nothing with his life who soon finds he has a huge talent and if he puts the effort in, he will achieve high in life. Once he realises he has a talent and realises he could earn big money, he is definatly up for playing a hobby. His nan then gets kicked out of her house and he has to try raise the money to save the house that his grandfather built with his bare hands as it obviously has sentimental value. So in the film he becomes successful and rich, finds his dream girl, shares his posessions and overcomes his selfishness and lazyness.

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